Our Program

We serve homeschool students ages 4 through high school in five divisions:

  • Explorers (ages 4/5)
  • Elementary (ages 5 to 11)
  • Junior Division Prep (ages 11/12)
  • Junior Division (ages 12 to 14)
  • High School (ages 14 and up).

Parents have the option of enrolling children in morning classes for one, two, or three days per week.  Students must reach the minimum age for the class on or before August 31.

Deerstream Courses:  The Big Picture

Explorers:  4/5 Year Olds

Inspired by Charlotte Mason, the British educator and philosopher, this class emphasizes Mason’s two main goals for early education:  good habits and good ideas.  Our young Deerstreamers learn and practice the good habits of students:  following classroom procedures, showing consideration for classmates and teachers, listening and contributing, helping take care of the classroom, and taking turns—all this in a warm environment where these skills are modeled and taught.  They are presented with a feast of good ideas:  Scripture, prayer, and poetry, the enjoyment of living books, nature study, open-ended materials, art and music, and plenty of free play.   It’s an atmosphere of joyous learning and discovery and connection with one another, while quietly laying the groundwork for academic skills to come. Explorers meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.  Students can sign up for one or two mornings.

Elementary Program:  5-11 Year Olds

On Monday mornings OR Tuesday Afternoons, our elementary students have the opportunity to experience Hands-on History.  History, culture, and geography will come alive as students engage in activities and projects incorporating art, music, dramatizations, literature, Scripture, and mapwork, too!

Offered on Wednesday and Thursday mornings (choose one), Elementary Division science classes are built around a thoughtfully sequenced science curriculum with a rich sampling of Life, Earth, and Physical science topics. Our approach to learning is both hands-on and interdisciplinary. Science is examined and taught through a range of activities and projects featuring art, music, poetry, nature studies, Scripture, and literature―all of which reinforce key scientific concepts.

On Monday and Thursday mornings (choose one), we offer an Elementary Division Writing class for 9-11-year-olds. In this lively and interactive course, students will engage in the writing process with their peers.  They’ll strengthen their writing mechanics, learn some helpful organizational strategies, and become good editors.   Through writing creative and nonfiction pieces, students will practice expressing their ideas with confidence through writing.

Junior Division Prep :  11/12 Year Olds

For our Junior Division Prep students, Monday morning classes feature instruction in Language Arts. Building upon writing fundamentals, students are taught to organize and express their thoughts in well-developed paragraphs with introductions and conclusions. Literature with an Eastern Cultures focus, beginning literary analysis, and lively class discussions round out the Junior Division Prep language arts course.

On Wednesday mornings,  Junior Division Prep students study Life Science.  Through labs and activities in class and independent study at home, 11/12 year olds embark on a more focused academic approach to science while still retaining the joy and hands-on nature of Deerstream’s courses.

Junior Division:  12-14 year olds

Junior Division students also study  English on Monday mornings.  Featuring literature set from early American culture through world history in the 20th century, this course encourages students to continue their growth as astute readers of great literature.  They also take the next step as thoughtful writers, focusing on developing a clear writer’s voice and writing for a variety of purposes.

On Wednesday and Thursday mornings in 2024-25, Junior Division students will study Earth Science .   Students will gain an excellent foundation in understanding the processes and systems that make up our world, and they’ll grow as students and scientists.

In addition our Junior Division (and early high school students) are invited to a special course on Tuesday afternoons, Christian Philosophy.  This year-long class will introduce 7th-10th grade students to Christian philosophy and explain how we can use the tools of philosophy to think well about God. Class time will feature thought-provoking discussion as students first clarify understanding of our reading and then try to form and defend their own thoughts and arguments.

Math Courses:  11 and up

PreAlgebra  (ages 11 and up), Thursdays, 9:15-12:15; Optional mid-week Zoom 

 The aim of Prealgebra a is to solidify the math skills gained in the elementary years and provide students with an excellent foundation for upper-level math.  Through teaching, practice, challenge, and creative math application, students will grow in basic skills and develop a growth-oriented mindset about math.  The Art of Problem Solving  PreAlgebra curriculum deviates from traditional approaches to math in that emphasizes the development of math concepts over just getting the right answer.  Students who are accustomed to lots of repetition of exercises will be challenged by the problem-based approach, but the joy of the “Aha!” moments and a deeper understanding of math are well worth the effort.

Algebra 1 (ages 12 and up), Thursdays, 9:15-12:15;  Optional mid-week Zoom 

Algebra is the foundation of higher-level math.  From the Art of Problem Solving Curriculum, this course provides “A thorough introduction for students in grades 6-9 to algebra topics such as linear equations, ratios, quadratic equations, special factorizations, complex numbers, graphing linear and quadratic equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, functions, polynomials, exponents and logarithms, absolute value, sequences and series, and more!”  Algebra 1 is a high school-level course.  Students will be expected to complete homework throughout the week and will be graded.

Geometry (ages 13 and up), Wednesday AND Thursday afternoons, 1-2:15;  optional early week Zoom

Geometry will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-2:15.  Students must attend both days.  Geometry is a building block of higher-level mathematics.  From the Saxon Geometry curriculum, which is used in this course, “Geometry includes all topics in a high school geometry course, including perspective, space, and dimension associated with practical and axiomatic geometry. Students learn how to apply and calculate measurements of lengths, heights, circumference, areas, and volumes. Geometry introduces trigonometry and allows students to work with transformations. Students will use logic to create proofs and constructions and will work with key geometry theorems and proofs.”  Geometry is a high school level course.  Students will be expected to complete homework throughout the week and take initiative to ask questions and seek help as needed.  Grades will be assigned, and parents will be provided with a course description for the child’s transcript.

Algebra 2 will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-2:15.  Students must attend both days.

Algebra 2 is a bridge course between being able to compute and solve basic algebraic problems to using the powerful techniques that make calculus possible.   The key to Algebra 2 is the understanding of functions and their role in mathematics.  Students will explore linear, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions in depth. They will also solve absolute value, radical, rational, logarithmic and exponential equations and inequalities.  Additional topics include complex numbers, conic sections, trigonometry, elementary statistics, and sequences and series. Algebra 2 is a high school level course.  Students will be expected to complete homework throughout the week and take initiative to ask questions and seek help as needed.  Grades will be assigned, and parents will be provided with a course description for the child’s transcript.

High School:  14 and up, 9th-12th graders

On Mondays, Deerstream offers English   for 9th and 10th grade students.  The aim of this course is to help students learn to read great literature with insight and to write about it with clarity, organization, and style.  Students will spend significant time outside of class on reading and writing assignments and will come together for excellent instruction and stimulating conversation.

On Tuesday afternoons, Deerstream offers high school Chemistry.  This lab-based course is introduction to general chemistry for high school students.  Class sessions will be devoted to lectures and labs, while weekly assignments guide students through the study of chemistry.  Tests, quizzes, and lab reports will be assigned.

On Wednesday mornings, Deerstream offers high school Biology  giving students an excellent foundation through this rigorous, college-preparatory course.  Class sessions will be devoted to lectures and labs, while weekly assignments will guide students through the study of biology.  Tests, quizzes, and lab reports will be assigned.

On Wednesday mornings, Deerstream also offers British Literature for 11th and 12th grade students.  This course provides an opportunity for in-depth reading and discussion of many British works as well as strengthening of academic essay writing.  Students must have an anticipated high school graduation date of 2026 or 2027 to take this course.  Significant reading and writing outside of class is required.

On Thursday mornings Deerstream will offer Civics for high schoolers.  This important course is a study of our American government and an opportunity for high school students to begin to think about what it means to be a citizen. Class sessions will be devoted to lecture, group work, and lively discussion, while weekly assignments will guide students through the study of civics.  Tests, quizzes, and projects will be assigned.

On Thursday mornings, Deerstream will also offer Physics for high school students.  This lab-based course will give students an introduction to the study of matter, energy, and their interactions in the world.   Class sessions will be devoted to lectures and labs, while weekly assignments guide students through the study of physics.  Tests, quizzes, and lab reports will be assigned.

Afternoon Programs

Our program also features an array of afternoon class options: Café and Play gives students an opportunity to socialize as they enjoy lunch with other Deerstream friends while afternoon enrichment classes offer students myriad hands-on learning opportunities. Our afternoon course listing changes each semester; learn more about our current afternoon enrichment classes.

Engaging minds, connecting hearts

We’d love to share with you what makes our program so special.