4/5 Year Old Explorers
Deerstream is pleased to offer a class for 4-5 year olds. Inspired by Charlotte Mason, the British educator and philosopher, this class emphasizes Mason’s two main goals for early education: good habits and good ideas. Our young Deerstreamers will learn and practice the good habits of students: following classroom procedures, showing consideration for classmates and teachers, listening and contributing, helping take care of the classroom, and taking turns—all this in a warm environment where these skills are modeled and taught. They’ll also be presented with a feast of good ideas: Scripture, prayer, and poetry, the enjoyment of living books, nature study, open-ended materials, art and music, and plenty of free play. Explorers enjoy an atmosphere of joyous learning and discovery and connection with one another, while quietly laying the groundwork for academic skills to come.
Who? Students must be 4 by August 31 to be eligible for this class. They must be able to manage toileting independently and function in a developmentally appropriate way in a group of peers.
When? Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:15-12:15. Students may register for one morning OR two mornings: M/W or M/Th. 4/5 year olds may also sign up for Café and Play from 12:15-1 PM if they would like. They are eligible for select afternoon enrichment classes which may or may not be available every semester.
Cost? $795 for the year (30 sessions from early September to early May) + $50 supply fee